What is sober living?
"What are the services of " Threshold Recovery homes?
Threshold Recovery teaches our residents that to obtain long-term sobriety, they must have new skills to apply in their daily lives. We understand this is simple, yet it is not always an easy process. The 12 Steps are based on successful applications of the 12 Steps for over 83 years by individuals who live with us and participate in programs
Millions of hopeless persons all over the world have used the 12-step approach to maintain their sobriety and found recovery in Tennessee.
We are unable to offer you recovery. Recovery is something you must choose and work for through the 12 steps. Threshold Recovery is committed to developing and maintaining a safe environment for you to continue your recovery journey.
It works. Are you ready to try it?

"What is the problem? "
With more than 23 million people in the United States suffering from severe alcohol or drug abuse issues, it is not hard to see that many need help. Millions of these individuals reside with their spouse/partner and children too!
Substance abuse's human and social costs are devastating, tearing through families every day. It has been said that people rarely find their way to Threshold Recovery by mistake- they often feel like life is over before it even begins when an alcoholic or addict reaches this stage in recovery because alcohol or drugs takes everything away from them; powerlessness leads many down dark paths where there's little hope left for change until finally, one decides enough isn't going happen anymore so they must take back control
Alcoholics and addicts are often surrounded by people, places, things that fueled their addiction. They usually have complicated and messy lives with finances in shambles due to the chaos of living a life addicted. It can be difficult for family members who want nothing but success when caring about someone else's well-being becomes more than what they're able to handle themselves
It has become increasingly obvious over time how vital it is to create safe spaces where our nations' most vulnerable members can find comfort during this pandemic outbreak
The disease of addiction is a terrible thing that can take over your life. Addicts and alcoholics may have trouble staying sober because they need constant supervision, which makes living environments difficult to maintain without consistent support from others who care about you personally as well as professionally; this becomes even more challenging when those around them privately wonder if it will ever change or improve
As worries grow stronger among recovering individuals due in part to unsatisfying replies regarding changes seen thus far -we see how these issues could lead back into wild patterns again
It works. Start your application today!
"What is the solution? "
Fortunately, there is a solution: Threshold Recovery.
We provide an environment where people can apply the tools of recovery in a safe and stable environment in an effort for the individual to realize true freedom in sobriety.
The Threshold Recovery message speaks to the power of recovery to change lives, addicts can eliminate that suffering, and life can be full of purpose and meaning. The foundation of a new life in recovery is rigorous honesty, service to others, and personal responsibility. We freely share the tools and methods of our common success:
Threshold Recovery is designed to provide a much-needed structured living environment for individuals who need strong guidelines for a disciplined life to regain and maintain sobriety. For a fraction of the cost of intense therapy or treatments centers, residents in Threshold Recovery can have enough time to learn or relearn the necessary life skills to live productively in today’s complex and demanding society.
Recovery works. Start your application today!