Welcome To Threshold Recovery

Take Your Recovery Beyond The Threshold

Life Starts With Living Sober At Threshold Recovery

We are located in the heart of Middle Tennessee - Murfreesboro, TN.

Threshold Recovery has multiple 12-step based sober living homes/halfway houses to assist those leaving substance abuse treatment to transition into day-to-day living without the use of drugs and/or alcohol.

We provide long-term transitional living services in a safe, secure, and healthy family environment. We are designed to assist small groups of committed people seeking recovery from the disease of addiction and provide sober living for women and men.

Our program's 12-step philosophy helps men and women to discover the joys and rewards that await them in recovery.

Take a look at our sober living homes in Murfreesboro to see which one is right for you!

Take a tour of our Sober Living Homes

Threshold Recovery has premier sober living homes in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. Our guests must work on their recovery program while building meaningful relationships with other people who also work towards sobriety.

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide a stable, abstinence-based women's and men's rehab center recovering from the disease of addiction and substance abuse who want to achieve recovery.

alcohol addict recovery

What Is The Problem?

More than 23 million people in our country afflicted with a serious alcohol or drug problem.

drug and alcohol addict solution

What Is The Solution?

We provide a much-needed structured sober living environment for individuals who need to have strong guidelines for a disciplined life in order to regain and maintain sobriety.

people group helping each other

Program Of Action

Our residents learn that for long-term recovery you need new tools that you can use in daily life after substance abuse treatment.

Support A Resident
in Need!

One month at Threshold Recovery sober living homes can cost over $900.00 or more. Many of our residents cannot afford this amount in spite of a real desire to change their lives. On the operation side, there are always unforeseen maintenance expenses that occur.

We are committed to helping those in need and we can use your help to do that. Please make a donation to help support a resident in need. Your safe, secure online donation has an immediate impact.

heart and hand icon

Donation Amount

support a resident

Connect With Us

Get the help you need at Threshold Recovery! We provide a 12-step based sober living homes in Murfreesboro to assist those leaving substance abuse and more. Call 629-201-5996 to hear how we can help or for a consultation.

Check Out Our Testimonials